Python Program to Solve Quadratic Equation - mini project

Python Program to Solve Quadratic Equation - mini project

How to solve quadratic equation using python

How to solve quadratic equation using python

This project will be interesting because in this project we are going to create an application that solves our quadratic equation. It helps us to understand the concepts of maths and its modules.


First, write our starter code and import statements

from tkinter import *
from math import sqrt
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror

root = Tk()
root.title('Quadratic Equation - Sailendra')

#Body of the main program


Create a function that solves the quadratic equation for us and display the roots on the screen

#Create a function to solve quadratic equation
def quadratic_equaltion():
        # Getting value as a imput from user
        value_a = int(entry_a.get())
        value_b = int(entry_b.get()) 
        value_c = int(entry_c.get())

        # Calculating descriminant i.e (-b + b*b)/2a or (-b - b*b)/2a
        discriminant = (value_b * value_b) - (4 * value_a * value_c)

        dis_sqrt = sqrt(abs(discriminant)) # Finding square of discriminant

        # Finding two roots
        solution_one = round((-value_b + dis_sqrt)/ (2 * value_a), 4)
        solution_two = round((-value_b - dis_sqrt)/ (2 * value_a), 4)

        if discriminant > 0:
            ans_label.config(text=f"Roots are real and different i.e {solution_one} & {solution_two}.")

        elif discriminant == 0:
            ans_label.config(text=f"Roots are real and same i.e {solution_one} & {solution_two}.")

            ans_label.config(text=f"Roots are Imaginary i.e {solution_one} + i {solution_two}.")
        showerror("Invalid Input", "Invalid Input. Plese Try different values !!")

        #Clear the entry widget
    entry_a.delete(0, END)
    entry_b.delete(0, END)
    entry_c.delete(0, END)

Create frames for heading and the main content

# Create heading frame
frame_heading = Frame(root, bg="#006D77")

# Create main frame and back other frame in this main frame
frame_main = Frame(root, bg="#006D77", relief=RAISED, bd=2, padx=100, pady=40)

frame_body = Frame(frame_main, bg="#006D77")

frame_button = Frame(frame_main, bg="#006D77") 

frame_output = Frame(frame_main, bg="#006D77")

Create a label for heading Quadratic Equation

# Create heading label
heading_label = Label(frame_heading, text="Quadratic Equation", font=("Times New Roman", "30", "bold"), fg="#EEEEFF",bg="#006D77")

Create three label text to guide the user where should they put the value of A B and C respectively

# Create three label text A, B, C
label_a = Label(frame_body, text="A", font=("Times New Roman", "26"), fg="#EEEEFF",bg="#006D77")
label_a.grid(row=0, column=0)

label_a = Label(frame_body, text="B", font=("Times New Roman", "26"), fg="#EEEEFF",bg="#006D77")
label_a.grid(row=0, column=1)

label_a = Label(frame_body, text="C", font=("Times New Roman", "26"), fg="#EEEEFF",bg="#006D77")
label_a.grid(row=0, column=2)

Create three entry widgets to get the value of A, B and C as well

# Create three entry box to enter three values
entry_a = Entry(frame_body, font=("Times New Roman", "30", "bold"), fg="#EEEEFF",bg="#006D77", width=7, justify=CENTER)
entry_a.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5)

entry_b = Entry(frame_body, font=("Times New Roman", "30", "bold"), fg="#EEEEFF",bg="#006D77", width=7, justify=CENTER)
entry_b.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=5)

entry_c = Entry(frame_body, font=("Times New Roman", "30", "bold"), fg="#EEEEFF",bg="#006D77", width=7, justify=CENTER)
entry_c.grid(row=1, column=2, padx=5)

Create a button to call the quadratic_equation function

# Creat a button to submit call a function
solve_button = Button(frame_button, text="Solve", command=quadratic_equaltion, font=("Times New Roman", "22"), fg="#EEEEFF",bg="#006D77", width=29)

At the end create a label that displays the solutions or roots

# Create a label to display output on screen
ans_label = Label(frame_output, text="", font=("Times New Roman", "20"), fg="#EEEEFF", bg="#006D77")


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